Refectory Capital Campaign
Food for the body.
Food for the soul.
Next to the Church, the Refectory is the heart of our monastic community. It is meant to be a place of prayer, where our communion with God’s bounty provided in the food before us and the people that surround us nourishes us both physically and spiritually to be of service to this hurting world.
Whether our guests come to the Office or not, they certainly join us in the Refectory. They often comment on the power of the silence at our meals, the tenderness of being read to, and the joy and surprise of conversation at supper and on feast days. In the Refectory, we are knit together with one another, with ourselves, and with God. That, after all, is the purpose of religion—literally to “tie together again.”
Our Refectory is in need of loving attention. Below you’ll find information about our plans for renovation and how you can support this important work.
We invite you to join us in updating our monastic refectory for the 21st century.
- Fully insulated walls, floors, and ceiling.
- Restoration of the original wood-paneled cathedral ceiling.
- Modern energy-efficient heating and cooling system.
- Ultra-high index solar glass windows.
- Extension of windows to floor to provide natural airflow.
- New roof (no leaks!).
- Updated aesthetic to reflect design language of the monastic church.
- Custom-built reading desk.
Total need: $1,250,000
Already raised: $1,000,000
Still needed: $250,000
A Refectory with sustainability at its core.
The Refectory uses more energy than any single space in the monastic complex. Exposed on all sides and with virtually no insulation, the Refectory seems purpose built to pour as much energy into the exterior as possible. Without any natural airflow—none of the windows open—we have to keep the air conditioning or heating running year- round, regardless of the outdoor temperature.
The core of this renovation project lies in making the Refectory as energy efficient as possible. We have partnered with renowned local architects Alfandre Architecture, which has made its name designing sustainable buildings for the good of people and the planet.
We plan to rebuild entirely the walls of the structure to introduce proper and sufficient insulation. We will also add rigid insulation underneath the Refectory, into the floor, and under a new roof that will help absorb the sunlight and cool the building.
New, single unit, ultra high-index glass will both open the views toward the meadow and river and also reflect solar energy away from the building.
A new high-efficiency HVAC system will keep the space cooled and heated with minimal energy output.
Finally, we plan to install new louvered windows under the three easternmost windows. This change will both bring the view all the way to the floor and will allow for natural airflow in the spring and fall, so that we can cool the space with natural air.
We plan to be around in another 60 years, and we want to know that we have helped to contribute to a flourishing ecosystem.
What will you do if you raise more than your goal?
Any monies we raise beyond our goal will go toward other capital improvements, including a campus-wide energy study and plans for future renovation of the Guesthouse and Monastic Enclosure.
Who are you working with on this renovation?
We are using the same wonderful team we worked with for the recent renovation of our Guesthouse kitchen. Our architects are Alfandre Architecture out of New Paltz. They have extensive experience in designing and renovating spaces (including sacred spaces) with a focus on environmental sustainability. Our contractors are Collier Construction, out of Middletown. Our engineer is from Blake Engineering. The whole team has been involved from the very beginning of the planning stage to ensure the smoothest possible process.
What is the timeframe for the project?
We plan to begin construction late April (after Easter) 2025 and finish before Christmas.
Where will you eat while the renovation is taking place?
We anticipate using Pilgrim Hall as the refectory space during the renovation.
My question isn’t listed. Who do I contact?
You can e-mail Br. Aidan with any additional questions.

Additional Questions
Brother Aidan Owen