Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (1881-1955) was a Jesuit priest and paleontologist who was a pioneer in synthesizing Christian theology with the theory of evolution. This integration would pave the way for a more holistic spirituality where spirit and matter were no longer inherently antagonistic but open to one another in an integral wholeness. Many ancient theological themes would re-emerge in his thought with renewed force and offer exciting possibilities for renewing the church and reconciling it with the world it had largely forsaken or treated with contempt. The God of relational wholeness (i.e. Trinity), the Cosmic Christ, and the Eucharist are the most notable of these theological themes. This retreat will introduce Teilhard’s spiritual vision and seek to draw forth the life-giving implications of his thought. An optional visit to Teilhard’s gravesite in Hyde Park will be included as a part of the retreat experience. Recommended reading: Pierre Teilhard de Chardin: Writings Selected by Ursula King in the Modern Spiritual Masters Series published by Orbis Books.
Br. Ephrem Arcement, OHC spent ten years as a Benedictine monk of St. Joseph Abbey in Louisiana before transferring to Holy Cross Monastery where he now serves as guestmaster. Br. Ephrem brings years of experience to his retreat ministry and has a particular interest in helping make the vitality of the Christian spiritual tradition understood and made accessible to all who are interested in deepening their spiritual lives. Br. Ephrem holds a PhD in Spirituality from The Catholic University of America. His two books are Intimacy in Prayer: Wisdom from Bernard of Clairvaux and In the School of Prophets: The Formation of Thomas Merton’s Prophetic Spirituality.
To register, please contact our Guesthouse Office by phone at 845-384-6660, ext. 3002 or email guesthouse@hcmnet.org.