Praying with the Spanish Mystics: Dark Night and Interior Castle (a Zoom Retreat)

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Praying with the Spanish Mystics: Dark Night and Interior Castle (a Zoom Retreat)

Led By: Carl McColman
Suggested Donation: $45


July 21, 2020 - July 23, 2020    
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Tuesday, 21 July – Thursday, 23 July 2020, at 2pm on Zoom

Sixteenth Century Spain is notorious for the inquisition and its mighty armada. But it was also an age of profound mystical wisdom, expressed in poetic, visionary writings that have become spiritual classics. From Ignatius of Loyola, the founder of the Jesuits and an astute spiritual guide, to Teresa of Ávila, the passionate and sensual mystic of ecstatic love, and John of the Cross, renowned as a masterful psychologist of the contemplative life, these great spiritual teachers transcend their time and place to speak with grace and insight to all sincere seekers of the Divine.

Our time together will include three conferences where we will explore the life and teachings of these Spanish mystics, with an eye to applying their guidance to our daily life. We’ll explore their practical instruction for meditation, contemplation, and spiritual growth, reflecting on how their down-to-earth methods of prayer can transform our spiritual practice today.

Please join us on Zoom for any or all of these three sessions, offered at 2pm Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, July 21 – 23. Each session will last about one hour and will be recorded for future viewing.

We suggest a donation of $15/session ($45 for all three sessions) for this retreat, which you can offer at the link below or by sending a check payable to Holy Cross Monastery to P.O. Box 99, West Park, NY 12493. Please put “Spanish mystics retreat” in the memo line of your donation. No one will be required to donate in order to join the sessions.





After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

For a step-by-step guide to registering for a Zoom retreat, please click here.


Retreat leader Carl McColman is the author of several books, including Befriending SilenceAnswering the Contemplative Call, and The Big Book of Christian Mysticism. He blogs on Christian spirituality and contemplative living at McColman is a life-professed Lay Cistercian (a layperson under formal spiritual guidance of Cistercian monks) affiliated with the Trappist Monastery of the Holy Spirit in Conyers, Georgia. He has been a practitioner of Christian contemplative prayer and meditation for over 30 years.


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